Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Trü Life Wellness & Medspa is owned by both a highly experienced Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant and a Laser Professional so you can imagine that your safety and optimal results are a priority for us. Advances in laser technology have resulted in far better results, and treatments that are safer, faster, and more comfortable than ever before. At Trü Life Wellness & Medspa we use an FDA approved, state-of-the-art laser that works on all skin types and complexions for both men and women. The Candela GentleMax Laser includes both the Alexandrite 755 wavelength for skin Types I-IV and the Nd: Yag 1064 wavelength used for skin types IV-VI. The GentleMax uses the Fitzpatrick Skin Typing system to both protect patients from injury or damage to the skin as well as help assess for optimal results. This system describes a way to classify the skin by its reaction to exposure to sunlight based on the amount of melanin pigment in the skin. Post treatment sun protection and skin care is always a must. Jennifer Felix, our Laser Professional, can apply either our tinted or non-tinted, mineral based sunscreen to the treated area and explain the benefits of only using a mineral based sunscreen. Colorescience is our medical grade skincare line that offers both post treatment and home based skin care. Jennifer will explain the best options for your specific needs.

Laser Hair Removal 101

Imagine not having shaved in weeks, yet your legs are as smooth as if you just shaved them? Can you imagine not having a single razor bump or ingrown hair in sight? What if, you don't have to worry about prickling your partner with embarrassing upper lip hair when you kiss? With Laser Hair Removal (LHR), this could be your new reality. LHR treatments are a great way to reduce hair. This non-surgical, minimally invasive method targets specific areas of body hair and promotes smoother skin.

What To Expect During & After Treatment?

Though they may be slightly uncomfortable, treatments are not painful. The discomfort of the intense heat from the laser feels similar to a warm pinprick. Still, the feeling is alleviated by a cooling gel or the cooling mechanism built into the handheld hair removal device. Treatment time varies. Treating your upper lip, for example, will only take a few minutes. Treating a larger area, such as your back, may take approximately one hour — it all depends on the size of the space you are treating. Aside from the cooling gel and built-in mechanism, there are a few ways to make your treatment even more comfortable:

  • Take a pain reliever 30 minutes before treatment.
  • Shave the area to be treated the night before rather than the day of the treatment.
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before treatment.
  • Do not schedule treatment during menses.

There are very few side effects of laser hair removal, but you must take certain precautions after the treatment to ensure maximum comfort. You may notice some redness or swelling for the first few hours after treatment, but that usually goes away quickly. You can apply ice to the treated area to ease any discomfort, or if you have a stronger reaction, your doctor can prescribe a steroid cream. You may notice the site will be smooth and hairless after you shed the hair from the previous treatment. Once you start seeing new hairs popping up from a new growth cycle, it’s time to get your subsequent treatment.

*Post treatment sun protection and skin care is always a must. Jennifer Felix, our Laser Professional can apply either our tinted or non-tinted, mineral based sunscreen to the treated area and explain the benefits of only using a mineral based sunscreen. Colorescience is our medical grade skincare line that offers both post treatment and home based skin care. Jennifer will explain the best options for your specific needs.

Reserve Your Consultation Today

Are you ready to achieve the silky smooth skin you have always desired?
Contact us today at Trü Life Medspa & Wellness to learn more about laser hair removal.
Our dedicated team proudly serves you from Austin, Texas. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and removing unwanted body hair.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation 101

What is Laser Pigmentation Reduction/Removal?

Due to the natural course of aging, gravity causes the cartilage in your ears and nose to break down and sag. Laser Skin Tightening is a great preventative method to help tighten skin and keep you looking rejuvenated. One focus of aesthetic medical technology has been on a means for improving fine wrinkles and lines on the face without prolonged ‘downtime’. This is often referred to as non-invasive collagen remodeling. Laser Skin Tightening can provide extremely dramatic facial and body skin tightening results without surgery.

This has traditionally been accomplished with laser peels (carbon dioxide, erbium) or deep chemical peels (phenol, high-concentration TCA), which resurface the skin by creating a second-degree burn. The epidermis is essentially burned through and the dermis is injured, stimulating new collagen production. The problems with these aggressive peels are the following:

  • an open, weeping facial wound (like a burn which has blistered) for several days,followed by crusting/scabbing
  • a great deal of discomfort and itching
  • a prolonged period (frequently several months) of erythema (facial redness) which must be concealed with make-up
  • the possibility of hypo- or hyperpigmentation due to melanocyte injury or overstimulation
  • a line of ‘demarcation’ between peeled and non-peeled skin
  • the risk of scarring if the level of the peel is too deep
  • the possibility of a ‘waxy’ or ‘shiny’ skin appearance with deep or repeated peels

The ideal method for improvement of facial wrinkles and lines, therefore, should stimulate new collagen production in the dermis without injuring the epidermis (which results in long downtimes and the possibility of pigmentation changes and scarring). Our goal is to improve the quality and tone of facial skin without (or with as little as possible) downtime. The skin care treatment of every client is individualized, as the needs of no two faces are exactly alike. Our highly-trained team of aesthetic professionals can determine which services are right for you.

Who is a Good Candidate?

*Skin Types I-VI can be treated for LHR with the Candela GentleMax Laser.